
How To Make Images Responsive In Wordpress

Your images look perfect on any device, with Responsive Background controls.

We've e'er been proud of our flexible mobile design capabilities. But getting the groundwork image position just right was still a challenge for Elementor users.

If you've ever built a website, you take probably faced this common event:
On mobile, yous want to focus on the domestic dog's face, but finish up only showing its tail.

With the contempo release of Core v2.4, we are introducing a full set of capabilities to aid you lot customize background images for any device.Meet Responsive Background Image controls.

Responsive Background Image Controls

The new version of Elementor lets users have consummate control over the background image controls on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. This control includes device-specific settings over background epitome controls (image, position, attachment, repeat and size).

At present, you can finally set different positions per device. Set 'middle-center' for desktop, and 'center-top' for mobile, then all devices prove a similar area of the image. You can also designate a different size for each device. Set 'cover' for desktop and 'contain' for mobile.

This was a huge pain for many users, and I am sure they volition capeesh this new characteristic (you're welcome ☺️).

As well size and position, we added the option to fix completely different images per device. Device-specific size and position were the first additional responsive controls. We took it a footstep forward and likewise added custom size and position, to give you an even more flexible blueprint experience.

Custom Background Image Size & Position

Previously, you lot had to make do with 3 background paradigm size settings: motorcar, encompass or incorporate. Similarly, you lot could merely define general background epitome positions like 'Top Left'.

We are now adding ii new custom controls: background size and groundwork position.

With custom background position, y'all tin manually set your desired background position on an 10 & Y axis. This way, yous at present have the option to set the exact of alignment for the background.

Also position, you can also set custom background size. Set an exact width for your background paradigm width for your background image.

These settings, custom background size and position, are especially crucial when it comes to responsive design. Utilise these custom settings to become a specific focus on the image'southward primary focal point for desktop, tablet and mobile devices.

Responsive Border Controls

Besides background images, we also added the ability to prepare different border-radius and border width per device.

An everyday utilise of device-specific borders is when you lot have an inline row of links, separated by a column border. This border becomes redundant on mobile, since the row stops being inline and the links get separated into split rows.

In this scenario, the obvious option is to remove the border from the mobile layout. Luckily with the new responsive borders feature, this can easily exist accomplished.

No more than of those weird 'orphaned borders' on mobile!

Elementor Rubber Mode - An Easy Way to Troubleshoot Issues

Here at Elementor, we intendance about offering our users a problems-gratis and flowing experience.

There are tens of thousands of plugins and themes, with millions of combinations for setting them upward to work together. These combinations cause inevitable conflicts, related or unrelated to Elementor.

We continuously try to reduce these issues for our users, to create a better workflow.

A recurring issue occurs when users can't load the editor.

This issue has been given many names: white screen of death, can't edit, stuck on loading…

Our solution: see Safe Mode!

Some of you might remember that Windows used to accept a safe mode pick that proved helpful in fixing a lot of the errors that occurred in Windows.

Nosotros created a similar solution for Elementor.

From at present on, if yous see a never-ending loading page, yous'll accept a button to switch on 'Safe Mode'.

Consider 'Safe Mode' a safe surround that isolates Elementor and WordPress from the themes and plugins that might be causing the mistake.

With Safe Mode, over 80% of loading issues will be temporarily solved.

Safe Mode switched on and everything is loading properly?

This means the cause of the error was probably your theme or 1 of the plugins. Become ahead and deactivate them one by 1 to find the guilty political party.

Safe Fashion switched on and it's still not loading?

This ways you should look elsewhere for the solution, it'south almost probable a custom-code or hosting related consequence.

Condom Style turns every Elementor user into a mini Sherlock Holmes.

'Elementor-y, my dear Watson!'

"Will Turning On Safe Mode Bear upon My Site?"

Residuum bodacious that prophylactic manner won't have any upshot on your site visitors. They'll be able to apply your site as usual, and your site will brandish your normal theme design, as well as all the installed plugins.

The merely affair that changes is that the Elementor editor loading process is done without whatever activated Plugins or Themes.

Rubber Mode is a huge pace forrard for Elementor users in terms of getting a far more stable, seamless and error-free user experience.

External Video

In version ii.1, we added the option of adding cocky-hosted videos to the video widget. Why settle for YouTube and Vimeo right? But hosting video is expensive.

So now we've also added the option to add together videos using external links.

This is great in two ways:

You tin embed videos from other services like Coverr.

You lot can host your video files on a cheaper video hosting and add it to your site.

Read More Tag & Widget

One of the commencement requests nosotros received was to add WordPress'southward read more tag to Elementor.

This was a small request, but finally, nosotros got around to pushing it through.

Read more is the tag you add together to your blog mail, that and then translates to the cut off of the text in the archive's postal service display. This allows you to show the teaser for your article on your chief blog page.

Now you can hands add together the read more than tag in the text editor widget or every bit a separate widget.

We have also added a 'Read More' widget, that you can place betwixt two text editor widgets, so your archive folio will display an extract that cuts-off exactly where you want information technology to.

Please Note:This widget merely affects themes that utilise 'the_content' in standard WordPress annal pages. Information technology does not affect in Elementor-designed archive templates.

New Elementor & Templates Menus

To arrive easier to handle the dissimilar Elementor dashboard screens, we've separated the previously named 'My Templates' menu, and renamed information technology 'Templates'.

Nosotros've besides positioned the Elementor & Templates side menus higher upwardly on the dashboard menu, to go far more hands accessible.

Elementor Popups... Coming Before long

Elementor Popups are coming to Pro. Be sure to check out the sneak peek:

With Safe Mode, over fourscore% of loading issues can exist easily identified.


It'south exciting to start-off 2019 with these helpful features, many of which have been requested past our community through GitHub.

Which of these features is the well-nigh helpful to your workflow? Is it Safe Mode, Responsive Groundwork, or Read More? Delight let us know in the comments below.


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